
Myeloma is a type of blood cancer. It develops in the bone marrow from blood cells called plasma cells. It is not a type of leukaemia.

Usually, plasma cells make antibodies, which help you fight infections. But if you have myeloma, your plasma cells grow out of control. They can build up in your bone marrow and stop it making enough healthy blood cells. They also make abnormal proteins and chemicals that can cause problems in other parts of your body.

We do not produce information on myeloma.

  • Myeloma UK is a charity dedicated to providing reliable information and support for anyone affected by myeloma.
  • This includes information about plasma cell leukaemia, sometimes known as plasma cell myeloma. This is an extremely rare type of leukaemia that is very similar to myeloma. Most cases develop in people who have myeloma, and it is treated using myeloma medicines.