Thank you for your Donation

Our charity receives no lottery or government funding so we rely completely on donations like yours to help us maintain our support services.

Thank you for making a donation to Leukaemia Care.

Your donation will help us to continue to support all those who have been affected by a leukaemia, MDS or MPN diagnosis. A thank you email will be sent to you within the next 2-3 working days to the email address that you provided when making the donation. If you need to contact us regarding your donation, please call 01905 755977 or email (services available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm).

Where your money goes:


... would pay for a patient to attend one of our online webinar sessions where they can hear about the very latest information on their specific diagnosis.


... could ensure that a newly diagnosed patient gets the information they need from our booklets to our patient magazine; sources of comfort at a vulnerable time. Each year, we supply over 15,000 patient information booklets to hospitals free of charge.


... could fund a phone call for a patient or their loved one with one of our trained haematology nurses to offer support and advice.


... could help us to offer additional training to a GP to help them spot the signs and symptoms of leukaemia.


... could support our buddy scheme which sees patients with a matching diagnosis being paired by the charity to offer peer-to-peer support. As a charity we supply mobile phones for the purpose of buddying as well as vetting all our buddies to ensure that patients get a high-level of support and can enroll in the scheme with confidence.


... Our hospital travel fund gives grants of £200 to leukaemia patients seeking support with attending their hospital appointments and covers costs such as public transport, taxis, increased fuel costs or car maintenance.