A blast from the past!

Want to fundraise but not sure what to do? Take a look at our blog of retro fundraising ideas and attempt these tried and tested challenges.

Sometimes, thinking of a fundraising idea that is fresh and new can be quite difficult, so taking some inspiration from the good old days can be a great way to raise some money for charity, while spurring up the feeling of nostalgia.

Go back to a simpler time by trying out one of these retro fundraising ideas…

For more information on how to start fundraising for Leukaemia Care, contact our Fundraising team – either via email at fundraising@leukaemiacare.org.uk or call 01905 755 977 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5:30pm).

Bath of beans

This might be one that people tend to like watching rather than doing but, if you’re up for taking the plunge, then this is sure to bring in a crowd.

A local supermarket may be able to provide the beans and a DIY store will be a good place to start to track down a bath. Alternatively, you can always use a paddling pool!

You can contact the Fundraising team – either via email at fundraising@leukaemiacare.org.ukor telephone on 01905 755 977 – for a letter of authorisation to help you get materials for the event.

And, if you’re looking at this thinking you’re not a fan of Heinz’s finest, or you’ve got a sweet tooth, you could always try jelly or custard instead!

Break a record

If you were a fan of the 70s and 80s hit TV show Record Breakers and constantly found yourself saying “I could do that”, why not attempt one for charity? And, if you’re feeling really confident, get in touch with the Guinness World Records and see if it would be something they would be interested in adjudicating. You never know, you could bag yourself a place in the book and receive one of their infamous certificates!

Bad hair day

An excellent choice for schools, it’s a great chance for children to go mad with creativity and is an easy alternative to a non-school uniform day. A donation of 50p or £1 is all it takes for them to go crazy with coloured hair spray, garish with glitter or extravagant with extensions.

Sponsored silence

Perhaps easier said than done, all you need for this is the stamina to stay quiet for an extended period of time. You might promote the event through having a pre-announced time slot of silence (whether it be 24 hours or even a whole weekend) or you could get people to donate for every hour that you remain silent until you can’t keep quiet any longer. The choice is yours!

If you would like one of our sponsorship forms, contact the Fundraising team at fundraising@leukaemiacare.org.uk or give them a call on 01905 755 977.

Helping hands

Although nowadays there is probably a gadget to help with the menial day to day errands in life, you can’t beat the human touch. You can help in whatever way you like in return for a token donation. If you have some spare time, ask if you can walk people’s dogs, offer to do their chores or, why not wait until it gets a bit warmer and get a group of friends together to do a car wash in your local neighbourhood?

Cheese and pineapple sticks, anyone?

If all these ideas are starting to really get you into the spirit of the past, why not get everyone on board by having a decades-themed day? Travel back in time by dressing up in clothes from the 70s, 80s or 90s, watch films from those eras and even try cooking up some food from that time. Once you’ve got that all organised and found a date that suits as many people as possible, you can sell tickets for people to attend.


Find out more about the latest vacancies at Leukaemia Care.

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