Patient Perspective – A lockdown update

In this blog, our resident patient blogger Vickie talks about how she’s coping during this continued lockdown.

So, what have I been up to in lockdown so far?

I have had my daughter’s birthday; she turned 10 years old. Me and my daughter both made her a birthday cake as she wanted to help me, which was great as she was learning how to bake, how to weigh and mix ingredients together. When it was baked, she wanted to design the top herself. So, we used the icing we had left over and showed her how to make buttercream, and how to knead the icing and use a rolling pin. We made teddy bear figures; actually, she made me, daddy, herself and her brother. We were all at a teddy bears picnic by the lake. There were flowers with the candles coming out. When we both finished, I have to say we made a really good birthday cake, though obviously my daughter was the brains behind the design. We had a party with food and watched a film. It was really nice to spend the day together as a family.

Also, it was my husband’s birthday a few days after. I made him rock cakes—he loves those, and they are my nan’s old recipe. With not being able to go to the shops and buy presents, or taking my daughter to the toy shop with her birthday money, I ordered all the presents online, and luckily they all came in time. My husband and daughter loved their presents.

I have been sitting in my back garden watching my kids play in the pool, and when I got a bit too hot, I also get in with them, cooling off together. We have a dog called Luna and she really wanted to get in, so she ended up jumping in with us as well. My dog loves the water and so do my kids.

We have spent a lot of time in the garden, playing music, eating and sunbathing. It’s been nice chilling together, but it has been really hard trying to entertain each other, as before we had a routine. Going to school, shopping, horse riding, swimming and walking. A lot of time is spent at the park near us which is a lot of fields we walk around. We see rabbits, lambs and horses. We love our walks, spending time outdoors. We know this isn’t forever and we spend that time in our garden.

I know we don’t all have children, gardens, families. But Leukaemia Care are there for anyone who needs help, even a chat. Don’t let this time beat you. Do the things you have been putting off at home. Drawing, knitting, sewing, learning how to paint, having a Netflix day—there is a lot you can do at home in this strange time, and don’t forget it will not be like this forever.

Please take care everyone.

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