#myCNSmatters – what’s been happening?

#myCNSmatters is about raising awareness of the crucial role that Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) play in the care of blood cancer patients, and saying thank you for their hard work

Over the last month, you have been joining with us to say #myCNSmatters. The campaign that launched in early December is about raising awareness of the crucial role that Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) play in the care of blood cancer patients, and saying thank you for their hard work.

You can find out more about the campaign by visiting www.leukaemiacare.org.uk/my-CNS-matters, but here’s what we’ve been getting up to over the last month.


Festive surprises sent to every haematology ward in the UK

We sent personalised packages with an advent calendar and Christmas card to say a festive thank you to over 200 haematology departments and nurses across the UK.

We loved seeing your photos and reading your messages of gratitude. One CNS even thanked us, despite the chocolate having been eaten by other members of the team before she saw it!


Going Live on Facebook

Campaigns and Advocacy (C&A) Director, Zack Pemberton-Whiteley, and C&A Officer, Bethany Torr, went live on Facebook to give you an insight into the value that a CNS has for leukaemia patients, and look at the issues with CNS access across the UK.

Don’t worry if you missed this, you can catch up now. Watch our Facebook Live here.


#myCNSmatters holiday hampers

We paid special visits to ten Clinical Nurse Specialists who are involved with supporting patients and the work we do at Leukaemia Care.



Britain Against Cancer (BAC) Exhibition

On the 5th of December, C&A Officers Nick York and Bethany Torr travelled down to Westminster to exhibit the #myCNSmatters campaign at Britain Against Cancer.

The conference brought together government policy makers, patients, charities, pharmaceutical representatives and healthcare professionals to discuss cancer care within the UK, with particular focus on the NHS workforce, including nurses.


#myCNSmatters competition to win an exclusive advent calendar

Kes Grant and Pauline Steele were the lucky winners of two Leukaemia Care advent calendars after sharing why their CNS mattered to them.


Nursing Matters magazine special edition

The winter edition of our nursing magazine was a #myCNSmatters special. We covered a range of insightful topics, including the lack of clarity in the CNS role title, an interview with a CLL nurse specialist and patients, and a look into the recovery package and holistic needs assessments (HNAs).

Take a read here.

When someone close to you has a blood cancer

Hearing the news that someone you love has a blood cancer can be one of the most overwhelming and devastating times of your life. Whatever your relationship with that person, it’s natural to feel a range of emotions.

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