Reflecting on the last year

Today is National Day of Reflection, in this article we look back on the last 12 months and showcase what we have achieved.

Today is National Day of Reflection, a year since we were told to stay at home, shield and protect our loved ones and the NHS.

26th March - Clap for Carers started

On the 26th March was the first #ClapForCarers. Where we all cheered from our doorsteps to show our support to all the frontline workers.


27th March - LC Weekly Wrap started

To help those who were shielding we designed a weekly newsletter full of top news information around the pandemic as well as ideas on how to keep busy.

Take a look at the first edition here.

8th April - Launched online webinars

On the 8th April 2020, our Patient Advocacy team launched our first online webinars.

Our first webinars were on COVID-19 and were split for those with an acute leukaemia diagnosis, chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN).

Since then we have done 28 online webinars.

You can catch up on all our webinars here. 

14th April - Interim issue of Leukaemia Matters

21st April - KnowAML day 2020

26th April - 2.6 Challenge

7th May - Joint webinar with CLL Support

On 7th May 2020 we hosted our first joint webinar with CLL Support on CLL and COVID-19.

28th May – World Blood Cancer Day

29th May – Survey with CLL support and UK CLL Forum

6th June - Ann Revely Head Shave

6th June - John Price – Walked marathon around garden

13th June - LC hosts first virtual Quiz

Virtual Quiz’s became the thing to do in 2020 as it allowed us to connect with family and friends while also having some fun.

On 13th June, Quizmaster Nicole hosted LC’s first virtual Quiz and raised £750.

14th June - World Blood Donor Day

18th June - Bird table Fundraiser

28th June - Interim issue of Leukaemia Matters

3rd July - Staff online quiz with Lymphoma Action

15th July - Launched LC face masks

16th July: NICE approves gilteritinib for treating relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukaemia

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have today made an announcement for the recommendation of gilteritinib as an option in adults with relapsed or refractory FLT3-positive acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

You can read more here.

19th July - Launched new booklet

31st July: Shielding paused for those in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland

2nd Aug - Toni Perham-Lake and Bar Vino Fundraiser

7th Aug – Launched World Leukemia Day 20

18th Aug – Launched second face mask

24th Aug - Spot Leukaemia 2020 launched

27th Aug - first joint webinar with Lymphoma Action

1st Sept: Mattia shared his story

3rd September : Sarah Hollender & Sophie Wheldon have shared their #SpotLeukaemia stories to help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms

Sarah Hollender & Sophie Wheldon have shared their #SpotLeukaemia stories to help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms

4th Sept – World Leukemia Day


7th September: The Scottish Medicine Consortium (SMC) approves gilteritinib for relapsed/refractory AML patients in Scotland

The Scottish Medicine Consortium (SMC) has recommended the use of gilteritinib for patients who have relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with a FLT3 mutation. Find out what this means for patients in Scotland here.

Read more here.

10th September – MPN Awareness day

15th September - World Lymphoma Awareness Day

22nd September - CML Day

30th September - LC new CEO

The trustees of Leukaemia Care are delighted to announce the appointment of Zack Pemberton-Whiteley as Chief Executive of Leukaemia Care.

Find out more here.

1st October – Launched LC Christmas Cards

We launched our LC Charity Christmas cards and in total raised £900.

4th October – Virtual London Marathon

October 4th was when the iconic London Marathon should have taken place, unfortunately, this couldn’t happen and the Virtual London Marathon was created.

The day was a massive success, with 3 members of the LC team taking on the challenge.

14th October - Shielding update

21st October: Launched Halloween themed signs and symptoms awareness graphics

25th October - MDS Awareness Day

30th October: Podcast with ACLT

2nd November – Chosen as one of Co-Op’s charities for Oct20 – Oct 21

9th November - Team attended virtual BSH

10th November - NICE approves venetoclax with obinutuzumab for patients with untreated CLL

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have made recommendations for venetoclax plus obinutuzumab as an option for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients in England.

Find out more here.

19th November: Launched Make it Shine

27th November: Nick on Sky News

1st December – launched Xmas themed signs and symptoms graphics

2nd December - Pfizer vaccine announced

When a vaccine was announced we created a handy FAQ article full of information and questions we were being asked via our helpline and advocacy and welfare service.

You can read this here.

3rd December - Nathan Hall celebrated 5 year since BMT

7th December: SMC has recommended that venetoclax and obinutuzumab be used in certain groups of CLL patients as their first treatment.

The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) have today made recommendations for venetoclax plus obinutuzumab to become a treatment option for certain groups of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients in Scotland.

You can read more here.

11th December - Team celebrated Christmas jumper day virtually

30th December - Oxford vaccine announced

When the Oxford vaccine was announced we updated our FAQ article with updated nformation and questions we were being asked via our helpline and advocacy and welfare service.

You can read this here.

12th Jan - tea talk on Twitter

13th Jan - hannah shared her experiences of having vaccine

18th Jan - Over 70s and CEV start getting letters/texts for vaccine

4th Feb – World Cancer Day

11th Feb – Cook-along

28th Feb – rare disease day

6th March – easter themed signs and symptoms

17th March – Shielding paused from 31st March

18th March - NICE have made recommendations for acalabrutinib to become a treatment option for certain groups of CLL patients in England.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have made recommendations for acalabrutinib to become a treatment option for certain groups of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients in England.

Read more here.

Leaving a gift in your will to Leukaemia Care

A gift in your will could amount to more than you could ever imagine, learn more about the difference you could make.

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