Buddy support explained

John Price, left, and Ian Hayley have struck up a friendship due to the Leukaemia Care buddy scheme. They were pictured as part of the 2019 Daily Telegraph Christmas appeal. Photo credit: Asadour Guzelian
After a blood cancer diagnosis, some people find it particularly helpful to talk to someone who has had a similar experience. They may have been diagnosed with the same condition, faced the same treatment options, and may have shared the same worries, concerns, happy times or sad times. This is why we have created the buddy scheme for leukaemia patients.
Our one-to-one buddy support for leukaemia patients service matches you with one of our trained volunteers for regular or one-off telephone calls or emails.
Choosing buddy support for leukaemia patients provides a personalised, empathetic way to cope with the emotional side of cancer. Many people find it helpful to speak with someone who has first-hand experience, as it can help them feel understood and supported. Whether you’re looking for advice, a listening ear, or simply someone who has “been there,” our buddy support for leukaemia patients can help guide you through the toughest moments.
What our buddy scheme for leukaemia patients can offer:
- A listening ear to chat with about how you’re doing.
- Understanding of the emotional and physical impact of living with leukaemia, MDS or MPN.
- Share elements of their own story and experience if you ask them to do so.
- Signpost you to services within Leukaemia Care and other organisations that they think may help you.
- Encourage and support you in seeking medical opinions where you need them.
- Support in moving onto the next stage of your life and in adapting to your new normal.
- Help and encouragement in finding support or community in your local area.
What our buddy scheme for leukaemia patients can’t offer:
- Counselling – our buddies are not trained counsellors. Please see our counselling service if you feel you need this level of support: Leukaemia Counselling Service – Leukaemia Care
- Advice, either medical or personal.
- Unlimited contact and support – we ask that you respect their boundaries and only contact them at arranged times.
- In person meetings. – In general, your buddy will not live in the same area as you, we advise that you do not meet in person.
“I discovered that Leukaemia Care offered a buddy scheme, so I reached out and requested a buddy. I needed reassurance that it was okay to keep my hair, keep my job and continue to live my life, but still be part of the Cancer Club and terrified about what that meant.”
Jo Cardnell, chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Our Buddies are people just like you who have a personal experience of a blood cancer. They are not trained therapists or medical experts, but they do understand what you’re going through
Of course, your family and friends will want to help and support you in the best way that they can. But sometimes, just chatting to someone who has been there before can really help you to cope with your situation.
Once we’ve matched you with a Buddy, we’ll work with you to find a convenient time for your Buddy to make the first contact. Your Buddy may not be someone local to you, but you’ll be able to talk over the phone, or email them if you prefer. Hopefully, you’ll build a rapport with your Buddy and chat regularly about how you’re getting on.
All of our Buddies are vetted, trained volunteers and will do their best to support you the best way they can.
A buddy is someone you can talk to about your experience of your loved one’s condition who can be understanding and encouraging. Your buddy will be someone who has cared for someone with the same or a similar diagnosis.
Your buddy support will initially last for 12 weeks, we recommend that you speak with your buddy every 1 to 2 weeks during this time, but this can be led by how much you wish to speak with them. At the end of the 12 weeks, you will be contacted by me to review your progress, and if you wish to extend your buddy support at this point it can be extended for an additional 12 weeks.
Despite a 50 year age gap, Olga and Anna have formed a friendship through the buddy scheme.
Thinking of becoming a buddy? Jude shares her experience of just that in her story
If you would like more information, get in touch by completing our form below:
Alternatively, you can email our Buddy Co-ordinator at support@leukaemiacare.org.uk or call us on 01905 755 977.
We are always looking for people to become one of our trained buddies and help support others. If you’d like to become a trained buddy, please email Zoe on volunteering@leukaemiacare.org.uk or call us on 01905 755 977.