28 October 2021
This webinar will focus on the causes of fatigue and how it might affect blood cancer patients. It will look at helpful definitions and how to explain it to others. The session will explore coping strategies and information to better live with fatigue. The webinar panel will explore how to discuss fatigue issues with others and how to manage your own expectations.
We will be joined by:
Dr Anne Johnson, Head of Service, Clinical Lead, Consultant Occupational Therapist, Bath Centre for Fatigue Services, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Webinar details
Date: Thursday 28th October
Time: 3:30pm
Topic: Coping with fatigue when living with leukaemia
Host: Leukaemia Care
How do I join the webinar?
The webinar is being hosted on Zoom and Facebook, meaning you can choose a platform to suit you. Zoom is the best place to ask questions, but if you join via Facebook we will try and get all the questions sent over to our panel; however, please expect a delay.
Information on how to join via Zoom or Facebook is below.
Watch via Zoom
To join via Zoom, all you need to do is register your attendance before the webinar starts. You will then receive an email inviting you to join the webinar on the day.
Watch via Facebook
To join via Facebook, all you need is a Facebook account. Once logged in head to Leukaemia Care’s Facebook page at 3:30pm on 28th October and find the live video (it will be at the top of our feed).
Book your place via Zoom here.
Join on Facebook on the day here.
Please note, we will not be able to give individual medical advice. You will be directed to your own clinical team if we cannot answer your question in the webinar.
Due to the large amount of registrants, we cannot guarantee that everyone’s questions will be answered, but we will try and do our best in the time frame that we have.
If you have any issues registering via Zoom or issues on the day, please get in touch by emailing advocacy@leukaemiacare.org.uk.