Supporting you to make decisions around clinical trials 

In this webinar our panel of expert speakers will discuss what it is important to know about clinical trials, what questions to ask your team, how to consider the risks and benefits, and how you can be supported to make decisions around taking part in clinical trials.

18 June 2021

Clinical trials are an important part of the treatment of blood cancers, and for some people can offer access to new treatments that aren’t available routinely. Some people may be invited to participate in a clinical trial by their healthcare team, and some may like to raise the question of suitability for clinical trials themselves. Either way, participating in a trial can be both a considered decision and a welcome opportunity.

In this webinar, our panel of expert speakers will discuss what it is important to know about clinical trials, what questions to ask your team, how to consider the risks and benefits, and how you can be supported to make decisions around taking part in clinical trials.

You will also hear from individuals who have participated in trials, what helped them to make their decision to participate and what their experience was like.

We will be joined by

  • Professor Peter Hillmen, Consultant Clinical Haematologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Emma Williams, Haematology Research Nurse Manager at University Hospital of Wales
  • Katie- living with blood cancer
  • Jackie – living with blood cancer

Webinar details

Date: Friday 18th June
Time: 3pm
Topic: Supporting you to make decisions around clinical trials
Host: Leukaemia Care and Lymphoma Action

How do I join the webinar? 

The webinar is being hosted on GoToMeeting.

To join all you need to do is register your attendance before the webinar starts. You will then receive an email inviting you to join the webinar on the day.

Book your place here.

This webinar will not be available to watch on Facebook. 

Please note, we will not be able to give individual medical advice. You will be directed to your own clinical team if we cannot answer your question in the webinar.

Due to the large amount of registrants, we cannot guarantee that everyone’s questions will be answered, but we will try and do our best in the time frame that we have.

If you have any issues registering via Zoom or issues on the day, please get in touch by emailing

Polycythaemia vera (PV)

Polycythaemia vera (PV) is a rare, slow-growing type of cancer that occurs when your bone marrow makes too many red blood cells. Find out what it is, signs and symptoms of PV, tests you might have to diagnose PV and what treatment you may have.

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